
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Babies through PRE-KINDERGARTEN 
 Our nursery is staffed by experienced ladies who are members here at WBC.  In the nursery there are plenty of age appropriate toys that are thoroughly cleaned each week.  And while our team holds your baby, we pray that they will come to know God and discover the love of Jesus.  

Classroom Locations
Snuggle Bugs - Building A Room 204
 Little Lambs - Building A Room 201.

We take your child's safety very seriously.  There is only one entrance to access the  pre-school hall, and that door is now locked and will stay locked at all times.  There will be a healthcare professional on campus that we can page in the event of an emergency and that same paging system is used for each parent in case they need to be contacted during adult Bible Study.  There will be a Pre-school staff member monitoring the hall at all times.  Plus a photo I.D. will be required for approved parents and guardians when picking up their child.  We love our children and our security measures will reflect that love.