Be diligent to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed,
correctly teaching the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15
Day of WeekTime Class Leaders Life Group NameLocation
9:30 am. Dr. Tim Smith Co-Ed Group 50+ Building A 100A
9:30 am. Steve Benton Mens’ AAW Building A 102A
9:30 am Gail Jernigan Ladies Eagles Building A 209
Janet Smithey
Lean Dillon
9:30 amJohn & Shirley Strovers The Upper Room Co-Ed (25-45)Building A 301
9:30 amKent Harrell G.A.P. (Co-Ed 18-25) Building A 302
Jeff & Sharron Martin
9:30 amBill White Grown Ups (Co-Ed). Building A 307
Mary Ann Simmons
9:30 amTom Jewell Men/Nick Mintz (60+). Building A 403 (Chapel)
9:30 amErnest Gainey G.I.F.T. (Co-Ed) Building A 405 (Chapel)
9:30 amArnold Murray Lamplighters (Co-Ed). Building A 406 (Chapel)
9:30 amKay Seeger Ladies Growth Building C (Fellowship Hall)
9:30 amCindy Plankers The Seekers Building C (Media Center)
Kathy Wheeler
Joyce Wommack
6:00 pm Pastor Eddie Eaton Pastors Bible Study (Revelation)Building B
6:30 pmGreg Danford Iron Sharpens Iron. Building C (Fellowship Hall)
6:30 pmPastor EddieAdult Bible Study (Genesis) Building B
9:30 am. Dr. Tim Smith Co-Ed Group 50+ Building A 100A
9:30 am. Steve Benton Mens’ AAW Building A 102A
9:30 am Gail Jernigan Ladies Eagles Building A 209
Janet Smithey
Lean Dillon
9:30 amJohn & Shirley Strovers The Upper Room Co-Ed (25-45)Building A 301
9:30 amKent Harrell G.A.P. (Co-Ed 18-25) Building A 302
Jeff & Sharron Martin
9:30 amBill White Grown Ups (Co-Ed). Building A 307
Mary Ann Simmons
9:30 amTom Jewell Men/Nick Mintz (60+). Building A 403 (Chapel)
9:30 amErnest Gainey G.I.F.T. (Co-Ed) Building A 405 (Chapel)
9:30 amArnold Murray Lamplighters (Co-Ed). Building A 406 (Chapel)
9:30 amKay Seeger Ladies Growth Building C (Fellowship Hall)
9:30 amCindy Plankers The Seekers Building C (Media Center)
Kathy Wheeler
Joyce Wommack
6:00 pm Pastor Eddie Eaton Pastors Bible Study (Revelation)Building B
6:30 pmGreg Danford Iron Sharpens Iron. Building C (Fellowship Hall)
6:30 pmPastor EddieAdult Bible Study (Genesis) Building B