Youth Ministry "CONNECT"
You are welcome here.
What is a Youth Group? Food, Faith, Friendships, Games, Outings & Prayer, Outreach Ops, and an honest conversation about God. There is no cost, no sign ups...all you have to do is show up! It is that easy. The Youth meet 2X weekly, Wednesday nights @ 6:30pm and Sunday mornings @ 9:30am. On both occasions they meet in Building A Rm 505.

Middle School Bible Study
6TH through 8TH GRADE: Our Middle School students study an assortment of various studies through the church year. But one of the studies we do focus on and a study that the students seem to enjoy is THE GOSPEL PROJECT from Lifeway Students. BRING A PENCIL AND YOUR BIBLE OR BIBLE APPLICATION. SNACKS WILL BE SERVED.
The Gospel Project is a study that is a Christ-centered, chronological study that will take your students on a journey through the storyline of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. Along the way, students will discover the big picture of what God has been doing through redemptive history and what it means for them.
In Jesus, hope gets personal, join our chronological study of the Bible!
Our Middle School and High School students meet in Building A Room 505
The Gospel Project is a study that is a Christ-centered, chronological study that will take your students on a journey through the storyline of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. Along the way, students will discover the big picture of what God has been doing through redemptive history and what it means for them.
In Jesus, hope gets personal, join our chronological study of the Bible!
Our Middle School and High School students meet in Building A Room 505

High School Bible Study
9TH through 12TH GRADE: Our High School students, like our Middle School students, study a variety of Bible Studies, but primarily use the Gospel Project by Lifeway Students. BRING A PENCIL AND YOUR BIBLE OR BIBLE APPLICATION. SNACKS WILL BE SERVED.
Our Middle School and High School students meet in Building A Room 505
This study leads students on a three-year journey through the Bible. It highlights 99 essential Christian Doctrines. It shows students how Christ connects with all of Scripture and challenges students to see how God's story changes their own story.
Our Middle School and High School students meet in Building A Room 505
This study leads students on a three-year journey through the Bible. It highlights 99 essential Christian Doctrines. It shows students how Christ connects with all of Scripture and challenges students to see how God's story changes their own story.
- Volume 1: The God Who Creates
The students will explore about what happened in the "beginning" as God laid the foundation of the earth and then established a path for the redemption of His people through His covenant with Abraham. - Volume 2: A Wandering People
Continues the story of God's plan of redemption. It's been hundreds of years since Joseph brought his family to Egypt. Once free and prosperous, they are a people in bondage, calling out for rescue. Groups will explore ho god rescued His people and revealed to them their need for a greater redemption still...the redemption of their hearts from sin. - Volume 3: Longing For A King
In Volume 3, God's people live in the promised land, but they are not free. Their rebellion against their Redeemer has led to their oppression. They long for a King to overthrow their enemies and lead them into prosperity. - Volume 4: The Coming Rescue
In "The Coming Rescue", God's people are enslaved once again, having forsaken the true God for idols made by human hands. but even though they run from Him, God continues to pursue them. In this volume, groups will learn how God pursued His people with a promise...the rescue from the captivity to sin, and the coming of their Redeemer. - Volume 5: God With Us
This Volume begins in the New Testament. God has been silent for 400 years, until, finally, an angel appears to a priest, a young girl, and a carpenter. It was time for God's Rescuer to arrive. In this volume, groups will see how God's plan of redemption culminated in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, the promised Rescuer...God Himself. - Volume 6: The Kingdom On Earth
In The Kingdom On Earth, we continue in the New Testament and see that the Gospel was on the move. The good news of God's rescue of sinners spread from a handful of followers to a multinational movement, one people made from every tribe, tongue and nation. In this volume, groups will see how God's plan of redemption culminates not in an ending, but a new beginning...a new creation where God will live forever with His people.