The G.I.F.T. co-ed Life Group
David Seeger- Teacher
David has been a member of Wrightsboro Baptist Church (WBC) for 28 years, and a follower of Christ for 67 years. He has been teaching Bible Study classes for 28 years. David also serves as Church Moderator and as a Deacon, as well as in many other capacities at WBC, such as the handyman ministry.
David is married to Kay, who also faithfully serves at WBC. They have 2 adult children and 3 grandchildren. David retired from the Education field. He enjoys woodworking, as well as playing golf and bridge. David teaches Bible Study class because he is endeavoring to fulfill the Great Commission, and he gains a greater understanding of the Bible.
Ernest Gainey- Assistant Teacher
Ernie has been a member of Wrightsboro Baptist Church (WBC) for 40 years, and a follower of Christ for 64 years. He has been teaching Bible Study classes for 30 + years. Ernie has served in many other capacities at WBC in the past, such as Deacon and choir member. He has been married to Shirley for 53 years. They have been blessed with 2 adult children, 10 grandchildren, and 4 great grandchildren. Ernie is retired and enjoys woodworking. He feels that teaching Bible Study classes is his calling from God.
Doug Anderson - Assistant Teacher
Doug has been a member of Wrightsboro Baptist Church (WBC) for 60 years, and a follower of Christ for 69 years. He has been teaching Bible Study classes for 30 years. Doug has also served in many other capacities at WBC in the past, such as building and grounds committee and as a Deacon. He is married to Laura and they have been blessed with 2 adult children, 6 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Doug is retired from GE and enjoys fishing and woodworking. He feels called to teach Bible Study classes and says that the teacher learns more than the students.