Children’s’ Department- Sunday morning Life Groups- Kindergarten -5th Grade
Ashley Britt –Teacher- K-2nd Grade Life Group
Ashley has been a member of Wrightsboro Baptist Church for 20 years. She accepted Christ when she was 8 years old at home with her grandparents. She has been teaching Children’s and Preschool Bible study classes for 18 years at WBC.
Ashley is an elementary school teacher, and works with numerous children’s ministries at the church. She serves in AWANA, Vacation Bible School and the summer children’s programs. She has also served on various committees of the church. Ashley enjoys spending free time with friends and family. She enjoys being outside and curling up with a good book on rainy days, beside her dog. Ashley loves being able to spend time with the children each week and being able to share Jesus' love with them.
Jennifer Martin – Teacher-Salt and Light (grades 3rd- 5th) Life Group
Jennifer has been a member of Wrightsboro Baptist Church for 17 years and a follower of Christ for 62 years.She has been teaching Bible Study classes for 38 plus years. Jennifer has also served in various other ministries at WBC.
Jennifer is retired from her full-time job of cardiac testing. She is married and they have one daughter living and one son who is deceased. They have four grandchildren that they love spending time with and taking part in their activities. Jennifer enjoys traveling, reading, and scrapbooking. She says there is no better feeling than the hugs and love from the kids in her Sunday morning life group. She says they have no reservations about expressing their feelings and they love to learn. Jennifer enjoys seeing them take on new knowledge. It is a tremendous reward and blessing to her to see many of them go on to be saved and baptized.
Julann Benton - Assistant Teacher -Salt and Light ( grades 3rd-5th) Life Group
Julann has been a member of Wrightsboro Baptist Church (WBC) for 9 years, and a follower of Christ for 40 years. She has been serving as an assistant teacher in the children’s Sunday morning Bible Study class for 2 years. Julann also serves as the co-chair of the WBC Social Committee. Julann is married to Steve, who teaches a men’s Sunday morning Bible Study class. They have one adult son who is married. She has been working as a teacher’s assistant at Wilmington Christian Academy for 24 years. Her hobbies include flower arranging and wreath making.
Julann feels it is rewarding to work with children in the Sunday morning Life Group because she hears them respond to their understanding of God’s Word as taught to them.
Donna Wood - Assistant Teacher- Salt and Light (grades 3rd-5th) Life Group
Donna Wood has been a member of Wrightsboro Baptist Church (WBC) for 52 years. She has been teaching Bible Study classes for 30+ years, (Pre-School, Children and young adult classes). Donna serves as Assistant Bible Study Director for Sunday morning Life Groups and has served on many committees over the years as a member of WBC.
Donna is retired from full time work from the North Carolina Ports Authority. She is married to Eddie and has one adult child and 3 grandchildren. She enjoys studying scripture, family time, the beach, boating, and reading. She loves working with the children on Sunday mornings as well as on Wednesday nights in AWANA. She wants to share the love of Jesus with the children, helping them understand scripture and planting seeds for their salvation.