Steve Benton
All Are Welcome (AAW) 50+ Men’s Life Group
Steve Benton-Teacher
Steve has been a member of Wrightsboro Baptist Church (WBC) for 9 years, and a follower of Christ for 40 years. He has been teaching Bible Study classes/groups for 38 years, 8 years at WBC. Steve also serves in many other capacities at WBC, currently on the security team and is very active with the Building and Grounds Committee.
Steve grew up in our community and is married to Julann, who is a assistant teacher in the 3rd -5th grade children’s Sunday morning Bible Study Life Group. They have one grown son who is married. Steve is retired and currently helps his son with a landscaping business. He is a Model T Ford enthusiast and enjoys gardening.
He feels it is rewarding to him to teach Bible Studies/Life Groups when he sees group members open up in discussions during class. He believes the Holy Spirit is working through him and them in telling the story of our Savior and King Jesus Christ.
Tim Plankers Assistant Teacher
Tim has been a member of Wrightsboro Baptist Church (WBC) and a follower of Christ for over 40 years. He has been teaching Bible Study classes for approximately 10 years. Tim also serves as a Deacon and is the Director of the C.A.R.E Disc/Ministry at WBC. He has worked in the C.A.R.E. ministry for 35 years. In addition, he is active with Baptist Men and the Handyman ministry.
Tim is retired from General Electric and is married to Cindy, who is also a women’s Bible Study teacher. They have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. Tim enjoys playing golf, pickleball, and Wii bowling. He also likes to read and do jigsaw puzzles. He feels that teaching Bible Study is rewarding because his class discusses each scripture until everyone in the men’s Life Group understands the meaning.

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